
Finding Jesus

If you are willing to be honest about whatever might be holding you back from following me, I dare you to open your heart by starting a conversation with me. You might just say, “hello”, or something like this:

God, if you are who you say you are, I want to meet you. Please introduce yourself to me. Show me who you are and the plans you have for me. Thank you. 

If you look for me, you will find me. If you ask for my Spirit, I will give it to you. The door is ready to be opened to you. This message is life-changing – so give it a chance. Search for me with an open heart, and you won’t be disappointed.  

There will be a cost. You will have to give up your life before you can accept my life in its place. But it will be more than worth
it. You have everything to gain.

Sometimes it helps to talk things out. If you want to find out more or chat to someone about Jesus, we’d love you to get in touch. Please connect with us using the button below and someone will be in touch with you.


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