Does science prove that God doesn't exist?

Science and God


Science has not proven or disproven the existence of a creator God or offered a solution in which the natural world is completely self-creating. Therefore, in our unlikely universe the possibility of a creator is wide open.

For many people, including great scientists and thinkers, the idea of an intelligent creator makes much more sense than an accidental process, given the ever-increasing complexity we discover in our world.  

To believe either in a world created by God or a world created by chance demands faith. One of those options invites you to personally discover the source of the universe through relationship. What’s holding you back from exploring that option? 

Science as we know it emerged from thinkers of Christian faith who believed that a deeper knowledge of how the world worked would help them greater appreciate the God who made it – it was their faith that motivated their scientific enquiry. There are many Christian scientists today who still feel this way. Instead of undermining their belief as the secular world assumes, science confirms their faith. 

Science itself is neutral: it’s a method of enquiry. It’s the conclusions people draw from the discoveries of science that are not philosophically or theologically neutral. So the argument is not science versus religion, but between those who have a theistic worldview (believing a higher being created and sustains the world), and those who have a naturalist worldview (believing that this universe is all that exists and that it is self-creating). 

Science is simply the method that people with both theistic and naturalist worldviews can use to explore their ideas – and it has not proven either one. To believe either worldview requires faith, because both are absurd to human logic.

Science is not in opposition to religion, because they doing different things. Science seeks to answer the ‘how’ questions and religion seeks to answer the ‘why’ questions. The point of the Bible isn’t to be a science textbook (although there are things that can be learned about the natural world through the Bible), but to tell us who we are, who God is, why we’re here and where we’re going. 

Because of this, the Bible is poetic, mystical and vague about the mechanics of how our universe came to exist. It is resoundingly clear that everything was created by God – through him, for him and sustained by him. It is not surprising that people can use science to paint a better picture of this mind-blowing miracle. 

There is fierce debate between people of different beliefs about how we got here, making various points through science and logic. It’s a huge argument covering many topics and is too big to go into here. Why don’t you see where your own genuine explorations take you?

Tessa Baty