How can I have a relationship with God?



As followers of Jesus, we have been brought near to God. He is no longer unreachable, but close. He wants to have an intimate relationship with us. 

Our relationship with God grows like human relationships do, through quality time, true communication and honour. You will reap what you sow. If you invest your time into your relationship with God, you will see God’s transforming work in your life take shape. The more of yourself you give to him, the more of your life he will transform. 

Reading the Bible

We can hear God speak through reading the Bible, which is the word of God given to us to show us who God is, who we are in him, and how to live in his life. It’s God message to us delivered by historians, prophets, poets, preachers and followers of Jesus. It’s the ultimate standard on what we know about God. Everything else we hear from people or ourselves must match up to what God says in the Bible, because we know God doesn’t lie. 

It’s a big book that can be overwhelming to begin, but they are the words that keep us alive, like the staple of our diet in relationship with God. So ask him to fill you with hunger for his message. Even though it was written thousands of years ago, this book has a lot to say to you personally about living your life. A great place to get started is in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.


We can get close to God through prayer, which is simply talking with him. Prayer is bringing whatever is in your heart to God: your needs, fears, ideas, desires – everything! It can be spoken out loud, an inner thought dialogue, written like letters, drawn, sang, danced, or communicated in any way that is a sincere sharing of yourself with God.

Like any good conversation, you need to listen for what he has to say. Make time to be quiet and hear him speak. Carve out time in your day to share and listen in the presence of God, and you won’t stay the same.


Another important part of relating to God is worship. Worship is giving God the centre of your attention and adoration. It is expressing to him, in any way you want, how much you love him and are thankful for who he is and what he’s done. The most obvious and common form of worship is through songs, especially in a church gathering. Music is a powerful way to join together and honour our Creator.

But music isn’t the only way we can express our adoration of God. Whatever you do as an offering to him is worship. From your work to your wonder in creation, from painting to performing, from caring to creating: God has wired us to enjoy worshipping him with the special gifts he’s given us. So whatever you want to give to God, give it with joy.

Another important part of relating to God is worship. Worship is giving God the centre of your attention and adoration. It is expressing to him, in any way you want, how much you love him and are thankful for who he is and what he’s done. The most obvious and common form of worship is through songs, especially in a church gathering. Music is a powerful way to join together and honour our Creator.

But music isn’t the only way we can express our adoration of God. Whatever you do as an offering to him is worship. From your work to your wonder in creation, from painting to performing, from caring to creating: God has wired us to enjoy worshipping him with the special gifts he’s given us. So whatever you want to give to God, give it with joy.

Tessa Baty