I am the God who loves
Everything was created by me and for me. I rolled out the skies, shaped the earth and filled it with wonder. But you – you are
my masterpiece! I poured myself into you for the purpose of intimate relationship with me. You were created to bask in my wild love and radiate that love in return.
You were made with the special role of caring for earth in my way of love. When my good character reigns in you and your world, everything is as it should be: whole and free.
Only in this relationship are you fully alive and fully yourself – vibrant with purpose, overflowing with joy and complete in my love.
I am the God who sees
I know every part of you. I’ve seen all of your victories, failures, hopes and fears. I’ve seen you turn away from me, and how it’s ripped your world apart. Rejection of my way of life, called sin, always leads to brokenness and cuts you off from me. Just look at the news – or if you are honest, yourself – to see that something has gone horribly wrong in the human heart.
In turning away from me, you have turned towards death, because you have abandoned the source of life. You have traded my abundant life for counterfeits and lies that only enslave you.
By yourself, you have no hope of reclaiming the beautiful life I made you for, because sin always marches its prisoners to death.
I am the God who rescues
You couldn’t return to me, so I came to you. I made a sacrifice that cost me everything: I sent my precious son, Jesus, into your
world – not to condemn you, but to save you.
You couldn’t survive the consequence of your sin, so he died instead of you. Jesus broke sin’s claim on you when he defeated death and returned to life. He made the way for you to belong to life instead of death.
If you turn to me, trusting me to save you, you will be rescued and restored.
I will exchange your death for eternal life.
I will exchange your brokenness for wholeness.
I will exchange your emptiness for my Spirit, who will empower you to live my way of love.
I am the God who restores
The same way that I can make you new, I will make this whole world new. The transformation starts now, with each person who follows me, and will be complete when heaven and earth are restored and united.
The world will be as it should be, because I will reign. Every wrong will be made right. There will be no suffering, no sickness, no injustice, no evil. My people will be people of freedom, joy and peace. Their bodies will not be doomed to death and decay, but they will delight in abundant, eternal life.
And I crave for you to be a part of that.
So. What if I'm real? What if I'm good? What if I really can heal, restore, set free? What if I'm the source of your life and the hope of your future?
What if you were made to love me – that in loving me, you could find your purpose, freedom, wholeness and joy?
I am the God who stands at the door of your heart and knocks.
Will you let me in?